Smarty Metrics
0.04 s
Render time
Template calls
Block calls
Rendered Templates
Template Name | Render Count |
frontend/register/index.tpl|frontend/plugins/seo/index.tpl | 1 |
frontend/register/index.tpl | 1 |
frontend/plugins/seo/index.tpl | 1 |
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Template Attributes
Key | Value |
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Template Vars
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=> Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1867 …16} 21 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1870 …16} 22 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1873 …16} 23 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1876 …16} 24 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1879 …16} 25 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1882 …16} 26 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1885 …16} 27 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1893 …16} 28 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1896 …16} 29 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1899 …16} 30 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1902 …16} 31 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1910 …16} 32 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1913 …16} 33 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1916 …16} 34 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1919 …16} 35 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1922 …16} 36 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1925 …16} 37 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1928 …16} 38 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1931 …16} 39 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1939 …16} 40 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1942 …16} 41 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1945 …16} 42 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1948 …16} 43 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1961 …16} 44 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1964 …16} 45 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1967 …16} 46 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1970 …16} 47 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1973 …16} 48 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1976 …16} 49 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1979 …16} 50 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1982 …16} 51 => Shopware\Models\Shop\TemplateConfig\Element {#1985 …16} 52 => 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